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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Science ACE assignment - Primary colours

To supplement my ACE points, I also chose to do an assignment on different primary colours and how they are used in daily life. I researched on three models - the RGB, the RYB, and the CMYK models. An excerpt from my research is shown, on the CMYK model, used in printing.

·       The CYMK model is the last one of the commonly known models of primary colours.
·       This acronym stands for Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, and Key (which means black ink).
·        This format is usually utilised by printing and publishing businesses, and when printing out documents and images from a conventional printer. Though the print quality depends on the press house that purchases the ink, the printer being used to produce the text or image, and the type of ink used for printing, the ink is usually applied in the order the acronym follows: cyan, followed by yellow, then magenta, then black.
·       This format works by partially or entirely masking the above colours in the afore-mentioned order onto a lighter background, usually white. The coloured ink thus reduces the amount of light that gets reflected from the paper.
·       Hence, it is known as a subtractive model, as it “subtracts” the amount of light that gets reflected off the paper.
·       The difference between this format and the additive “RGB” format is that while white is the combination of all colours in the RGB format, and black is the absence of any colour, the “CYMK” format has white meaning that there is no colour at all, and that black is the compilation of all the colours. 

I This is gon' be my last update for now, so I'mma go offline. Dude007 is out, peace!

Science ACE report on the telescope

This is another assignment I did for the purpose of gaining ACE points - I did this report on the telescope. 

The telescope is an instrument widely used by many people of different professions, from sailors to astronomers. Telescopes are crucial tools in the jobs of these people; their main purpose is to observe remote objects which are far away from the user or not even visible to the user at all.

The word telescope has its origins in Greek; it is a combination of the words tele,  (tele, meaning “far”) and skopein (skopein, meaning “to see”). In the Greek language, the word telescope literally translates as “far-seeing”. This word was coined by the Greek mathematician Giovanni Demisiani, as a name for one of Galileo Galilei’s magnifying instruments.
The invention of the telescope dates back to 1608, in the Netherlands, when Hans Lippershey and Zacharias Janssen, spectacle makers from Middelburg, created telescopes based on the theory of refraction. 

 Today, modern telescopes include radio telescopes, which make use of radio waves to create images; X-ray and Gamma ray telescopes, which utilise X-ray optics to perceive images of subjects; and the Hubble Space Telescope, which is a large Cassegrain reflector telescope that has been orbiting the Earth since 1990, and has secured its reputation as one of NASA’s most successful missions ever.

 Hubble is expected to last until 2014, and then it will crash back to Earth. In 2018, it will be succeeded by the James Webb Space Telescope, a powerful infrared telescope which has only one main purpose: to see far into the deep recesses of the universe and uncover more secrets in the dark void.
Thus concludes my report, which covers the origins of the telescope, to the great telescopes in space which we operate and utilise to their full potential today.

Of course, this is not the whole report; it is actually much longer, and has images, like the one above.

More to come soon!

Reflection on trip to science centre -Term 2

To all viewers, this post has to do with a visit I made to the Singapore Science Centre in May... enjoy.

I chose to visit the Science Centre on Labour Day as it was the only free day I had, and also; I could have more time to explore the interior.
When I got there, I decided to take my time with the exploration, as I realised there had been major renovating going on since by last trip, and the whole interior had been revamped. Also, there had been major changes to the layout of the exhibits, and though they still contained the same exhibits, they had been rearranged in such a way that the area now looked completely different from my previous visit.
I started with the ground floor, and visited the exhibit on bioethics. This exhibit is dedicated to environmental studies, such as pollution and destruction of habitats. Also, it displays information on weather conditions and natural disasters, and how they occur. Also, there was an area reserved for human anatomy, and another upstairs area for virology. The section on human anatomy was particularly interesting, as it talked about how people find each other physically attractive, and the psychological factors behind this. For example, I found out that when a person deemed physically attractive is shown alongside another, less attractive person, the former is also deemed to be physically unattractive.
The segment on virology was particularly disturbing, despite the weird and funny cartoon depictions of various viruses such as HIV, SARS, and Hepatitis B. This was most probably due to the fact that alongside the animated versions of the viruses, there were many samples of statistics displaying how the viruses are spread, and the symptoms. They were quite frightening, especially the physical symptoms of smallpox, which displayed many raised welts and pustules on an infant’s body and face.
Another sector of particular interest was the exhibit on sound. They had completely changed the various activities, and now the exhibit included a hollow tube that produced echoes when sound traveled through it (which I tried). I realised the echoes produced by the tube were exceedingly clear, and not like the echoes produced by sound bouncing off a natural wall.
Finally, the main atrium branching out to the other subsections of the Science Centre had one new exhibit, which was a tornado exhibit. Up until this time, I had only read about hurricanes and how they had a calm area in the centre, but I never expected to learn that the exact same occurrence was present in tornadoes – the centre of the storm is where the winds are calmest. I also tried a chamber they newly installed which was related to tornadoes – it simulated the wind conditions inside a hurricane. I almost died from the sound; it was exceedingly deafening.
Thus concluded my personal field trip to the Science Centre. It was short; albeit informative. I learned much from this visit, mainly because of the newly revamped exhibits, which made learning more comprehensive and enjoyable.

More stuff coming up soon... stay tuned.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Another update

Haven't been updating lately due to some issues regarding piling up of work and me not exactly taking initiative... will post some new stuff soon.

New science teacher has just started on the biology segment of our science curriculum, and I am currently having major problems memorising and putting into use whatever has been covered into assignments and projects; I am currently in the middle of a group assignment with several of the people I don't exactly like at all. Just got to put up with them for a few more days, and it will all be over.

Going to put up all the stuff done in Terms 1 and 2 when I'm not so busy, most probably next week.